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Sun Nov 10 2019 22:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Medical Cannabiz summit brings new perspectives to the Group1607 expansion
The representatives of the Group1607 were invited as VIP guests to the Medical Cannabiz summit that took place on November 4th and 5th in Malta.
This year's event gathered 1500 attendees from around the world, and we’re happy to see that the need for easily integrated innovative solutions and scientific growing technologies stays at top of mind of the modern agriculture industry. This makes our solution a sought-after answer to the industry’s key challenges, and pushes us forward with its further improvement.
We’re also currently working on some business offers we’ve received during the Medical Cannabiz – keep following our updates for more information!

Mon Jun 10 2019 21:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Group1607 technology is announced online by Channel 13
The article at describes the unique opportunities for agriculture and pharmaceutical industries unlocked by Group1607’s innovative growing solution, announces the company’s success in raising NIS 10M for development, and provides the brief overview of its nearest business milestones, which include the solution introduction & testing worldwide, in the frame of leading growing projects and research centers:

Sun Apr 21 2019 21:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
GROUP1607 Participates in CannaTech Tel Aviv 2019
CannaTech is one of the top international conferences in today's cannabis industry that brings together the most influential market players and thought leaders, medical and scientific experts, and new ventures with the cutting-edge innovations.
CROUP1607 is happy to be a part of the industry's progress, introducing its solution at the global level and receiving positive feedback from the leading pharma companies, manufacturers of the greenhouse facilities, and lab experts.
We are grateful to CannaTech platform for this new step in our business networking that enhances promising partnerships and cooperations, as well as the new perspectives of our global development.

Mon Apr 01 2019 22:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The solution for the cannabis market by GROUP1607 has raised NIS 10M
The company has developed a method to improve cannabis plant yield through lighting and software control.
Group 1607, which develops technological solutions for cannabis farming and also has its own independent growing and processing facilities, has raised NIS 10M to finance its activities. The company has created a system of control and automation for greenhouses, which makes possible to increase yields by 30% and improve the plant’s quality while saving costs and energy consumption. The technological solution is based mainly on changes in lighting, which accelerate the plant life cycle.
The company intends to sell to implement its solutions in own farming facilities as well as to send them to other growers. GROUP1607 is currently working on receiving the approval of the NII.
"Our business lies in a very unique field that connects engineering and agronomy," - notes Michael Naich, a technology developer and a professor of physics and electricity at Tel Aviv University. "It is easy to illustrate the technology’s principle by comparing it to the dairy farming technologies. The technologies I’m talking about have made Israeli cows the most productive in the world and twice as profitable as the European ones, for example. We believe that our solution will make Israel the global leader of cannabis production. "
The company’s main investor is international businessman Daniel Levin. Levin (46) is an Israeli-Russian entrepreneur who has now returned to settle in Israel, after spending a few years in Canada. Levin is a partner in Hanaco Venture Capital that invests in Israeli entrepreneurs aiming at significant markets.
The name GROUP1607 is derived from the fact that both co-founders – Michael Naich and investor Daniel Levin – were accidentally born on the same date - July 16.
The chairman of the company, Anatoli Levin, Daniel Levin’s father is the only Israeli whose name was given to a square during his life, for his extensively help with returnee absorption from the Soviet Union to the State of Israel. He is an entrepreneur and a key figure in the Russian immigration and the Russian culture preservation during the late 80-s:
“The technology of Group 1607 is amazing as it allows all types of plants to grow more quickly and increase the production quality and volumes. I believe that with this unique technology it will be possible to reduce hunger in developing countries in future”.
The Group 1607’s solution is currently being introduced in several large countries around the world and tested in the company's US, Canadian and Israeli labs.

Tue Feb 26 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
A new project for high-effective farming successfully launched
GROUP1607 is happy to announce the launch of our project devoted to the development of high-effective farming solutions. Plant growth management, the formation of the fruits’ enzymatic composition, cultivation process optimization all are the key success factors for development in agro-complexes. From a seed to a final product, we are controlling every stage.
Vigilant care, economic feasibility, and high product quality are the leading principles of our approach. Today GROUP1607 is based in Israel but is already keen on developing its global presence and business networking. Our expertise, integration skills, and strategic decision-making mobility will yield the first results by the end of 2019.

Wed Feb 20 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Building a global agroindustrial expertise platform
Despite Israel is famous as a high-tech country, the gap between technological opportunities and cultivation approach is enormous. A large number of different solutions, lack of introduction and adaptation institutes prevent technological solutions from penetrating the market, and agronomists, overwhelmed by too many offers, in most cases consider everything innovative a spam.
Absence of a unified system of standards for innovative products allows anyone to call themselves experts. We are sure that creating platforms for experience exchange and solution verification is an essential step forward for agronomists, solution developers, and product distributors.

Mon Feb 11 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
GROUP1607 introduces the indoor farming technology in Israel
Will economy beat mentality? While presenting our indoor farming project we encounter surprise and misunderstanding from the agroindustry insiders of Israel. They can’t figure out the use of year-round artificial lighting in a country where the sunny weather remains stable for more than 9 months per year.
However, the indoor farming trend has already proven to be highly effective for the crop quality and yield maximization in several states of America, Canada, and Europe. Now it's time to introduce it in Israel. GROUP1607 aims at becoming an industry leader with our Indoor technology, we are sure that our experience and success will inspire and significantly affect the stereotypical approach of the most local agribusiness professionals.

Tue Feb 05 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
New perspectives of medical supplies distribution
New generation of organic herb-based medical supplies is one of the top headlines in related industry news for some time. However, there are no answers regarding the exact moment when these products will become available on the shelves of pharmacies. Pharmaceutical corporations still have to solve the roughage problem. It’s even not about the quality but about a possibility of regular obtaining it in sufficient amounts. Leading German pharmaceutical companies can only use export raw materials, since the cultivation of medical cannabis is prohibited in Germany.
The recent permission to distribute medicinal cannabis roughage opens wide possibilities for Israeli manufacturers. Although the demand remains diverse, GROUP1607 concentrates on the production of high-quality products, which are going to win the market in the nearest 12-18 months, according to our experts’ forecasts.
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